Residential programming is our special sauce —it makes all other aspects of college preparation & persistence sing. It is a fundamental pillar of our proven and impressive student outcomes and you won’t find it anywhere other than DCS.

Imagine trying to learn to swim without access to a pool. 
You can read about swimming and talk about swimming but, eventually, you need to get wet.

We can no longer confine education to an 8am—3 pm school day and expect students to thrive, on their own, on college campuses.

We want our students to become independent, self-sufficient, and resilient. So we give them a realistic college environment in which to learn and practice these skills — a safe, supportive environment through DCS Residential Programming. The benefits cannot be overstated, especially for students who have never lived away from home:

  • Challenging academics

  • Enhanced teacher-peer learning

  • Small class sizes

  • Accelerated personal growth

  • Learning-conducive atmosphere

Learn more about each benefit here.

DCS is a college-access program for first-generation, underserved students. We teach critical thinking skills, mathematics abilities, and share the nuts and bolts of the college process with marginalized students. But, without question, DCS' residential programming is the true difference-maker for our students. This part of the program is like no other in Delaware or across the country.