Aysia Beatty, Cohort One Graduate, Shares Her Journey to DCS, St. Joseph’s and Beyond

Aysia Beatty joined Delaware College Scholars in 2014 as a member of Cohort One, the first group of students to participate in the DCS program. Since that initial summer six years ago, Aysia has continued to do incredible things and is currently a rising senior at St. Joseph’s University (SJU) in Philadelphia. We sat down with Aysia and talked about a variety of topics that can help our current scholars as they begin their own college process.


The Journey to DCS, St. Joseph’s and Beyond…

Q: What did you expect from DCS when you arrived six summers ago?
A: I didn't know what to expect when I arrived. I had never participated in a program like this. I remember being amazed by the St. Andrew’s campus when I first arrived, which made me realize that this program might be super serious.

Q: How did DCS help guide you through your college process and ultimately, why did you choose St. Joseph’s University?
A: DCS showed me that there were options outside of the University of Delaware. Not only did I find the best school for me in terms of fit, but I also found backups that would suit my needs as well. I chose SJU when we took a college trip to their campus during my second summer. I had never heard of the school before, but when we visited, I felt like I was at home.

Q: What led you to choose psychology as your major?
A: I was always interested in why people behave and function in certain ways. I took a course in high school that introduced me to the subject and this course inspired me to tackle psychology as my major.

Q: As a psych major, what has been your most rewarding classroom experience?
A: Being able to tie in real world phenomena to what I have learned in class. There are a lot of misconceptions in society which is why it's so important to dedicate time in a classroom to truly learn.

Q: What’s one piece of advice that you would give to scholars entering their freshman year of college?
A: Be ready and willing to step out of your comfort zone. When someone does this, they open themselves to amazing and unique experiences. Opening yourself up is what makes the experience of college so awesome.

Q: How were you able to successfully navigate the job/internship process? Is there anything you wish you could have done differently?
A: I was successful because I used my resources (professors, job portals, network) to my advantage. I constantly reached out and explored my options. I found positions that were true to what I wanted to do and be around.

Q: As a full-time college student, how do you manage your time to do well both academically and professionally?
A: While being a full-time student and maintaining two jobs/internships can be challenging, it really comes down to simply managing your time well. I make sure to always prioritize my school work and I’m thankful that my employers are flexible with their hours as it enables me to make the most of every opportunity.

Q: Why do you continue to give back to DCS?
A: Without DCS I would not be in the position that I am in today. I wouldn't have chosen my current university because I didn’t even know it existed before we traveled to SJU with the DCS program. My SAT scores improved as well as my writing, enabling me to be a strong candidate for many different types of colleges and universities. Through the program, I met so many people who were willing to take the time to make sure that I had the tools to succeed. I want to pay it forward to as many students as possible.

Q: What’s your “why?”
A: I have a support system that encourages me to aim high and to continue on the path of goals that I set for myself. I want to be able to have a lifestyle in which I am secure so I that I can spend my time providing assistance to those who need it.

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